Are you tired of feeling like your study efforts aren't paying off? Do you find yourself struggling to retain information despite spending hours poring over textbooks? Or do you find yourself struggling to grasp a concept, while your friend seems to absorb it effortlessly?
You're not alone! Many students face similar challenges when it comes to studying effectively. The key to overcoming these obstacles lies in understanding your preferred learning styles so that you can strategize your learning journey to the maximum potential.
Here’s what makes things even better – we are all not confined to just one category. In fact, we might possess a blend of two or more styles, making everyone’s learning journey even more dynamic and intriguing.
Let me introduce the VARKÂ system designed by Neil Fleming, an educationalist, in 1987. In this model, Fleming developed a way to help students learn more about their preferences.
It is an amazingly powerful framework that categorizes learning styles into four distinct modes: Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic. Discover exactly how each learning style works and explore strategies to harness its full potential.
Let’s dive right in!
Visual Learners
Visual learners absorb information best when it is presented in a visual format, allowing them to create mental images that aid in understanding. If you find yourself vividly recalling images from presentations, learning better from pictorial illustrations than words, or learn better by looking at visualizing tools such as graphs, charts or diagrams, chances are you’re a visual learner!
Visual Learners Strategies
To bring the learning experience for the visual learners to a new level, incorporate these visual materials into your studies:
·      Watch animated learning contents.
·      Create mind maps or diagrams to illustrate complex concepts.
·      Utilize colour-coded notes.
·      Replace keywords in your notes with symbols or diagrams!
To prepare for your examinations, recreate your diagrams and visuals from memory. It helps to make your learning more concrete.
Visually attractive environments play a big role in studying effectively for visual learners. They are easily distracted by movements or other actions they see. Study in a place with little movement!
Auditory Learners
Do you remember lyrics easily from listening? Or do you prefer listening to information rather than reading it from a book? If yes, then you most probably fall under the category of auditory learner!
Auditory learners excel at processing information through listening and speaking. Textbooks may be wordy and boring, but you may find yourself easily focused on audiobooks and podcasts.
Auditory Learners Strategies
Explore interesting strategies like: Â
·      Participate in more aural discussions with your peers or mentors.
·      Say notes aloud to yourself.
·      Record lectures and listen to them repeatedly.Â
·       You can even create songs or rhymes out of your information and sing your topics out! It helps you to memorize key facts or sequences.Â
To prepare for your examinations, imagine your discussion with your peers or teachers. It helps you to recreate the memory and content of your studies.
However, if you are in a noisy environment or in a place where there are multiple discussions going on, you might be easily distracted. Try listening to instrumental music instead or be in a quiet setting so you can stay focused on listening to your notes!
Reading/Writing Learners
If you see yourself writing diaries, addicted to PowerPoint, making organized notes, lists with numbered or bullet points, reading textbooks and notes you made in class, or expressing your thoughts most eloquently through writing, then you are learning through reading and writing.
Reading/writing learners thrive on written material and prefer to learn through reading and writing activities. This preference of learning style emphasized on taking in and giving out information through text, such as essays, reports, assignments, manuals, etc.
Reading/Writing Learners Strategies
To cater to your learning style, try these approaches:Â
·      Take detailed notes during lectures and rewrite them in your own words for better comprehension.
·      Create outlines, summaries, or written explanations of topics to reinforce understanding.
·      Make use of textbooks, articles, and written resources to supplement your learning.
·      Google or Wikipedia your way through your learning to gain more information.
·      Write your plans and thoughts down! It helps to make your understanding more concrete.
Kinesthetic Learners
Kinesthetic (or Tactile) learners learn best through hands-on activities and physical experiences. Many of them enjoy and are good at sports, painting, cooking, mechanics, etc. Enjoying actual hands-on practice to learn and probably unable to stay still for long? You are most probably a kinesthetic learner!
Traditional classroom setting might be a challenge for kinesthetic learners and students might get into trouble for tapping pens or moving around too much in class. However, teachers nowadays are also more aware of the various kinds of learning styles.
Kinesthetic Learners Strategies
If you're a kinesthetic learner, send your learning to greater heights by:
·      Studying things that involve real experiences.
·      Best to include simulations and demonstrations in your learning. It is possible to speak or write and excel kinesthetically if the topic is strongly based on reality.
·      Take short breaks in between your studies, get up and move around.
·      Investing in a whiteboard to write down notes promotes your focus as well because it involves the movement of your whole body.
·      You may even try to walk around reading notes.
·      Get a standing desk.
·      Play educational games!
Regardless of your preferred learning style, it's essential to remain flexible and experiment with different study methods to find what works best for you.
Here’s the beauty of VARK – it recognizes that one size does not fit all. You could possess a combination of learning styles, each one influencing how you perceive and process information. Don't be afraid to combine elements from multiple learning styles to create a personalized approach that suits your needs.
By identifying your learning styles, you can tailor your study methods to suit your individual needs, enhancing your learning experience and achieve greater academic success.
Resowlute Education Hub
At Resowlute Education Hub, we recognize that diverse learning styles are the key to effective growth in education. We offer a holistic approach to learning that caters to the unique needs of every student.
In our quest to empower students, we embrace the VARK framework, understanding that each student possesses a distinctive blend of Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic learning preferences. With this understanding, we integrate it into our tuition service.
Our dedicated tuition teachers recognize that one size does not fit all when it comes to education. That’s why we tailor our teaching methods in accordance with the students' learning styles and individual needs. We envision a future where every student has the opportunity to learn to their best ability, regardless of their learning style or background.
So, whether you’re a visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic learner, or a combination thereof, rest assured that our teachers are here to unlock your full potential as well as to support and guide you in this lifelong journey of learning and growth.